Adrienne Rubin is a wife, mother, teacher, and businesswoman who started a wholesale jewelry company from scratch. Originally a high school French teacher, Adrienne published two cookbooks for charity before making the decision to go into business as an importer of fine jewelry, selling to the trade. Selling successfully to stores all over the United States, she eventually opened Avanti Fine Jewelry, her own jewelry store in Beverly Hills.

An entrepreneur, risk-taker, and iconoclast, Adrienne believes that, even though honesty and integrity are losing ground to greed and a lack of ethics in today’s world, rewards will come to those who persist. She is passionate about showing aspiring business owners how to put the “I can do that!” into everyday practice.

As the recipient of the 2019 Jane Wyman Humanitarian Award from The Arthritis Foundation, Adrienne has been recognized for her efforts to raise funds and awareness for this painful disease. Today her recent pursuits involve investing in real estate and spending time with her husband, her children, and grandchildren in Los Angeles.